
Coq Maurice’s story was recently covered by global media in the NY Times, the Guardian, LeMonde, Essentiel, etc.
What the heck! A rooster in the news?
Maurice was basically minding his own rooster business in his hometown of l'île d'Oléron, until a new retired couple moved into the hood and got annoyed at his morning Cock a doodle do’s! So they took him to court... The whole thing turned into a court battle with Coq Maurice winning EUR 1,000 in damages with a global reminder of the need to preserve France’s rural heritage.
But the real story is the following:
I was asked by my colleague back in 2018 to re-create a version of the rooster couple, David and Irina that were sitting in my office. So I created Maurice and Irina 2.0. Since, my colleague was not too fond of the cigarette that David was smoking, Maurice became a non-smoker. And there is no way David can be David without his cigarette. Not over his dead rooster body!
In any case, David and Irina are already on to new relationships in real life anyways. Honestly, I think Irina did well. Maurice is definitely more confident in his situation and life in general. He has nothing to prove anymore - he is a winner and a global star. Chickens keep their benchmarks high too!